Faculty and Staff Directory

Faculty and staff emails are [first initial][last name]@scspk12.org

If you have questions regarding specific email addresses, please contact the school office. 


Fr. Nick Zummo
Fr. Nick Zummo
Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Ashley Harris
Mrs. Ashley Harris
Mrs. Lindsay Wright
Mrs. Lindsay Wright
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Beth Mount
Mrs. Beth Mount
Administrative Assistant
Ms. Cathy Brown
Ms. Cathy Brown
Admin Assistant & 1B Instructional Aide
Mrs. Lauren Lipscomb
Mrs. Lauren Lipscomb
Special Services
Mrs. Hanna Edwards
Mrs. Hanna Edwards
Education Interventionist
Mrs. Alicia Stone
Mrs. Alicia Stone
Education Interventionist
Mrs. Jessica Hartley
Mrs. Jessica Hartley
Preschool Prep (PSA)
Mrs. Elizabeth Moulder
Mrs. Elizabeth Moulder
Preschool Prep (PSB)
Mrs. Cathy Potts
Mrs. Cathy Potts
Pre Kindergarten (PKB)
Mrs. Vicky Jones
Mrs. Vicky Jones
Kindergarten (KA)
Mrs. Ashleigh Nevels
Mrs. Ashleigh Nevels
Kindergarten (KB)
Mrs. Becky Stierwalt
Mrs. Becky Stierwalt
1st Grade (1A)
Mrs. Angel Pruett
Mrs. Angel Pruett
1st Grade (1B)
Mrs. Laura Justiss
Mrs. Laura Justiss
2nd Grade (2A)
Ms. Angela Thuro
Ms. Angela Thuro
2nd Grade (2B)
Ms. Ashley Fennewald
Ms. Ashley Fennewald
3rd Grade (3A)
Ms. Kelsi Beckers
Ms. Kelsi Beckers
3rd Grade (3B)
Mrs. Olivia Altis
Mrs. Olivia Altis
4th Grade (4A)
Mrs. Susanne Hubbert
Mrs. Susanne Hubbert
4th Grade (4B)
Mrs. Kim Bade
Mrs. Kim Bade
5th Grade (5A)
Mrs. Tracy Piatchek
Mrs. Tracy Piatchek
5th Grade (5B)
Mrs. Lindsey Smotherman
Mrs. Lindsey Smotherman
6th Grade (6A)
Mrs. Keary Basecke
Mrs. Keary Basecke
6th Grade (6B)
Mr. Aaron Tackett
Mr. Aaron Tackett
7th Grade (7A)
Mrs. Christy Cunningham
Mrs. Christy Cunningham
7th Grade (7B)
Mrs. Alicia Gassel
Mrs. Alicia Gassel
8th Grade (8A)
Mrs. Jennifer Nanneman
Mrs. Jennifer Nanneman
8th Grade (8B)
Mrs. Vicky Carter
Mrs. Vicky Carter
Mrs. Adrianna Garza
Mrs. Adrianna Garza
Technology and MS Religion
Mrs. Kristy Norris
Mrs. Kristy Norris
Mrs. Chiara Shockley
Mrs. Chiara Shockley
Mr. John Skeans
Mr. John Skeans
Physical Education
Mrs. Orlymar Struble
Mrs. Orlymar Struble
Mrs. Amber Bruning
Mrs. Amber Bruning
KB Instructional Aide
Ms. Jessica Curtis
Ms. Jessica Curtis
PSB and K instructional aide and extended care
Mrs. Emily Dalton
Mrs. Emily Dalton
PKA Instructional Aide
Mrs. Larisa David
Mrs. Larisa David
1A Instructional Aide
Mrs. Clarice Dorrance
Mrs. Clarice Dorrance
Mrs. Ashley Grable
Mrs. Ashley Grable
Mrs. Jessica Ingram
Mrs. Jessica Ingram
1B Instructional Aide
Mrs. Linda Kelly
Mrs. Linda Kelly
3rd Grade Instructional Aide
Mr. Andy Love
Mr. Andy Love
K Instructional Aide
Mrs. Benedetta Molinari
Mrs. Benedetta Molinari
2B Instructional Aide
Mrs. Joan Mueller
Mrs. Joan Mueller
2nd Grade Instructional Aide
Mrs. Ashley O'Sullivan
Mrs. Ashley O'Sullivan
1A Instructional Aide
Mrs. Caroline Pfeiffer
Mrs. Caroline Pfeiffer
PSA Instructional Aide
Mrs. Mary Reith
Mrs. Mary Reith
PKB, Daycare and Extended Care
Ms. Mary Tackett
Ms. Mary Tackett
KA Instructional Aide
Mr. Marcus Walker
Mr. Marcus Walker
School Protection Officer


Immaculate Conception Catholic School
3555A S Fremont Ave, Springfield, MO 65804

Phone: 417-881-7000
Fax: 417-887-0027

Mrs. Ashley Harris - Principal
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Mrs. Lindsay Wright - Assistant Principal
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Ms. Beth Mount - Administrative Assistant
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