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Springfield Catholic High School

Scrip Gift Card Fundraising

We are pleased to offer a scrip program for our school--It’s fundraising while you shop.

Scrip is simply a word that means “substitute money.” The scrip program offers gift cards from national and local retailers. They’re the same gift cards that you buy at the store. Over 300 popular retailers participate in the program including Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Best Buy, Dillards, TJMaxx, Red Robin and many, many others. Our school is able to raise funds through this program because we are able to purchase the gift cards at a discount. Member families buy the certificates for full face value, they redeem them for full face value, and SCHS keeps the difference as revenue.

The beauty of scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You earn revenue for our school without spending any additional money. Just spend your regular shopping dollars with scrip cards at the stores that participate in the scrip program! Scrip can be used for just about any household purchase including food, clothing, entertainment, gasoline and even dining out.

  • Orders for gift cards may be easily placed online via the scrip website at www.shopwithscrip.com . Please see the “Getting Started” flyer for more information. You will follow a few account setup steps, and will need to enter the enrollment code:

Call the school office for the enrollment code. 

  • All families also need to complete an Enrollment form designating where you would like your scrip rebates to be applied (Tuition rebate, Project Graduation, etc..
  • Once your account is set up, you may shop online for gift cards just as you would shop at any other online store. When you find a card you would like to purchase, click on the "Add to Cart" button, and when you are finished, "Checkout."
  • Please note that all participants are strongly encouraged to sign up for Presto Pay.  This links your scrip account to your checking account.  Each authorized scrip payment can be automatically deducted from the linked account, and you will be charged a $0.15 processing fee. This will also allow you to purchase items on the go, in the checkout line, etc., and minutes later you will have your ScripNow! Ready to use as payment.  Order payment by check is accepted, but may delay the processing of your order.
  • ScripNow! may also be purchased through http://MyScripWallet.com .  It is a website that can be bookmarked to your phone home screen, and is how many participants buy scrip on the go as they are shopping (i.e. in line at Wal-Mart, TJMaxx, Lowes, Best Buy, etc.).  Just show the cashier your ScripNow! on your phone at checkout.  Again, Presto Pay enrollment is required for on the go purchasing!
  • Scrip orders will be placed every Sunday while school is in session.  Payment must accompany all orders.  Check payments will be due in the High School office by Thursday afternoon for inclusion in the following Sunday order. (make checks payable to IC Scrip).
  • Orders will be available for pick up from the school office on Wednesday or after.  ScripNow orders will be ready to use immediately after being placed online and paid for using Presto Pay!
  • For a complete list of available retailers, see the scrip website at www.shopwithscrip.com/Shop/default.aspx .

We hope you will take advantage of this very simple way of raising funds for our school!




Springfield Catholic High School
2340 S. Eastgate Springfield, MO 65809

Phone 417-887-8817
Fax. 417-865-5278

Mrs. Jeanne Skahan - Principal
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Mrs. Michelle ADT  - Administrative Assistant
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