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Prayer and Worship

IMG 2899Prayer and Worship:
Prayer begins and ends each day at Springfield Catholic.  Classes begin with prayer and the chapel is open and available to students throughout the day for personal prayer time.

Each week a class gathers for Mass in the Chapel.  Throughout the school year, each class will worship together twice a semester.  All-school liturgies take place once a month and on various feasts and solemnities of the Church.  These masses will normally take place in the auditorium unless otherwise noted.  Students and faculty serve as musicians, choir, cantors, lectors, and Eucharistic ministers.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Students are given the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice a year, during Advent and Lent from the area priests.  The Sacrament is available daily from our Chaplain.

Other Worship Opportunities:
During Advent and Lent there are weekly devotions.

Spirituality Calendar: 

Click here to access the calendar for specific dates and times of worship.

All are welcome to join our faculty and students for Mass.  Please use the main entrance facing highway 65.


Springfield Catholic High School
2340 S. Eastgate Springfield, MO 65809

Phone 417-887-8817
Fax. 417-865-5278

Mrs. Jeanne Skahan - Principal
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Mrs. Michelle ADT  - Administrative Assistant
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